This is one of those films that is rather difficult to review. It had so much going for it and yet it felt as though it was missing something. Yes the acting was superb and the writing was top notch but what really brought this film together, the glue that kept it from coming apart was the scares. There were literal times where I almost jumped out of my seat. There were parts where I had trouble watching and yet I didn’t want to stop.
The story, while entertaining and intriguing, did a good job of keeping you interested. Still, though, I felt as though other aspects of the film overshadowed the story and because of that it lost some of its edge.
This, however, is not a movie you watch for the story. It is one you watch for the scares and this film did not go easy on them. This was not a particularly violent film but there was gore aplenty. And as you watch it you end up falling deeper and deeper into the whole it is trying to create. A hole of despair and one of agony.
This film isn’t going to make history and is one of those films that you’re probably going to forget about as the days turn into weeks and months. However, this film is still worth a watch.
8.5 Out of 10
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