Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Heart of Stone (2023) Review


I’m going to start this review by stating the obvious. The beginning of this film was extremely reminiscent of the many James Bond films. In fact, it did everything but scream it. However, as the film progressed it became something else. It created its own personality and identity. It became something truly unique to itself and told a story of violence and fear. What technology can do in the wrong hands and what mankind will do to remain in power.

The characters, although a little cliche at times, really held the torch for this film. As you would guess there is the stereotypical double cross and the hidden agents. But you never really see these coming. When the double cross actually happened my initial thought was that of shock but as the film continued I began to wonder why I didn’t see it coming.

The writing was amazing as was the acting, too. The actors fell into their roles like a glove. The film was also full of violence and action and the fight scenes and shoot outs were just a blast to watch.  To state a cliche, it was really an edge of your seat type of film.

There was very little that I would call bad or uninspired. The film told its story in a way that really brought up a sense of excitement. I never wanted it to end. All in all this is a must see and a movie that you're going to love.

9 Out of 10

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