Death House is a film that is good but only good in a way that I can’t fully comprehend. While this movie doesn't have a lot going for it there are certain aspects that shine. The writing for the most part is awful but so to is the acting. All the characters are cliched and one dimensional and yet they carry something throughout this film. Observing their drive just made me root for them all the more. It was a dark movie in both a physical and psychological way. Not only did it present a message of the evil that man can create, it made you think and ponder how good are our attempts to combat it to be. Can fighting evil with evil really cancel each other out.
This film as a whole wasn’t really what I was expecting. In many ways it is better than what I thought. It raises questions that can be rather difficult to answer and makes us peer into ourselves to see if we are righteous enough to do what needs to be done. Those are some frightening things to think about but the world would be a better place if more people did.
7.5 out of 10
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