Friday, April 28, 2023

Escape Plan (2013) Review


Escape Plan was not your typical prison break story. I was expecting something rather generic and predictable but what I got from it far exceeded those expectations. While the story in and of itself isn’t anything to write home about, the individual scenes and character plot points made it worth watching. The acting is good, for the most part, only being held back by the actors themselves. They fit into their typical tropes. They basically have played the same role in every film they ever did but that is what you would expect and the film came out on top in the end.

The writing, however, left a lot to be desired. It was at times too blunt, nothing subtle about it. Like they were just going through the script as fast as they could and the film suffered from it. Conflicts were resolved too easily. People change their minds and opinions on the fly giving little to no thought on it. The ending, too, while surprising, was still too cliche and generic. Not to mention incredibly corny. Still though the film does have many strengths and if you are looking for a good, wild ride then this film is a pretty good idea.

8 Out of 10

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Film Theory: Jack in Titanic is from the future


So this is an interesting one. Could Jack from Titanic actually be from the future? According to one theory, yes he very well may have. The theory is based on a small number of clues. The first clue is based on Jack’s sense of fashion. That being his haircut and backpack not being common until much later. Also he mentions several man made structures that weren’t even created yet as of 1912. Those being a roller coaster on Santa Monica Pier and Lake Wissota. This raises a question, though. Why? Why would Jack travel through time to that specific moment knowing full well what was going to happen. This is where the theory really makes you think. The theory states that Jack went back to stop Rose from killing herself. Had she of done it the Titanic would have been delayed and may very well not have struck the iceberg. If it didn’t crash then the course of history would have been altered. So Jack traveled back in time to make sure that the Titanic stayed true to its course and succumbed to the fate it was meant to. Why couldn’t he have tried to prevent it? The theory doesn’t say, however, it does make you wonder.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Castle in the Sky (1986) Review


Castle in the Sky really has a lot to say. From its message of greed of wealth and power to its themes of loyalty and love. How two people, when brought together can form a friendship that can fight off corruption and lust for control. It shows how people aren’t always how they appear and that deep inside of us all is someone we may not recognize.

The writing of this film, however, was rather hit or miss. It was more direct and lacked subtlety. The dialogue  was more straightforward, telling you the story rather than showing you or letting you figure it out for yourself. Yes it did guide you through it but at times the hand holding was too firm and I think the film would have been more enjoyable if we were able to discern for ourselves what was going on.

The art direction was amazing, though. From the bright colors to the dark skies. From the explosions to the more subtle aspects. All of it was a pure joy to view. The sound, too, was fantastic! Studio Ghibli is known for the music and this film truly embraced it.

The characters were enjoyable as well. From Dola the pirate captain to Patzu and Sheeta. They were all more than they appeared on the surface and truly played off their personalities with each other. Every one of them was great because of the characters around them. None of them were a lone wolf and without their companions they wouldn't be who or what they became.

This film tells a story of what friendship can overcome. How bravery can save the world and how greed can destroy it. It shows how our world needs more love in it and without that who knows what might become of us.

8 out of 10

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Film Theory: The plot of The Corpse Bride is actually Victor's wedding eve nightmare


This one is a rather interesting one. It says that the entire plot and story of the film was actually a nightmare of Victors. He had an image in his head of the girl he wanted to marry, her coming to life in his nightmare as Emily. Victor was restricted and not seeing himself as beautiful while Emily was everything that he was not. In the end he let her go and freed himself in the process.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Treasure Planet (2002) Review


Treasure Planet was one wild ride from beginning to end. The story is excellent and the characters dynamic. It took hold of you and squeezed onto you never loosening its grasps, not even once.  The progress of their character development shifted along with the story. Nothing was set in absolutes. Their movements were fluid as was their motivation.

The story was amazing, as well. It kept you on your toes, never letting you know what was going to happen and constantly kept you guessing. The interaction of the characters were believable and three dimensional. Throwing the occasional curveball and leaving you surprised and guessing.

This was a beautiful film in its art style. The colors are dark and yet vibrant. From their engine propelling their ships to the galaxies and supernovas throughout their journey. There was always something to look at and something to excite and compel you to see more. You spend a lot of time just awaiting what was next. It never failed to surprise and left you in a sense of wonder.

In short, this film was a masterpiece. How it led you by the hand without explicitly showing what was ahead. This is a movie that you feel and it is a feeling that you won’t soon forget.

9 out of 10

Monday, April 17, 2023

Don't Breathe (2016) Review

 Don’t Breathe portrays itself in a way that few movies can. It manages to keep its momentum throughout the film. Each moment somehow more intense than the one before it. While the film didn’t really have much of a story, what it did have was the overshadowing presence of Norman, the blind war vet who is simply trying to keep what was his, or what he felt was his.

They way this film made you feel changed periodically. At one point you were rooting for the group of young people but as the film progressed that changed. Still, though, what you felt for Norman shifted, too. At times, as well, you won't really be sure who you want to succeed. No one in this film is perfect, they all have faults. What basically boils down to is who is the lesser evil.

This film didn’t really have much of a story but there were parts that truly surprised me. Suddenly the film throws a curve ball and you’re no longer sure how to think. The only thing you’re going to get out of this film, though, is the question of “what the hell just happened.” It throws you a couple of curve balls and you’re not going to catch all of them. But you should keep trying. This film is going to stick with you and is not one you’re going to forget anytime soon.

8 out of 10

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Film Theory: Tremors and Footloose take place in the same town


So this is a weird one. This theory states that the town from Footloose is the same town from Tremors. The theory states the banning of dancing from Footloose was not an attempt to control the youth of the town but rather as a way to prevent the Tremors from waking up from underneath the town. It was feared that the rhythmic vibrations from dancing would wake them up. To add to that, Kevin Bacon's character in Footloose stayed in the town only to grow up and contain the danger he helped release. This is one of those theories that makes you think, “huh, there might be something to this.” Whatever it is, it really makes you think.

Friday, April 7, 2023

The Whale (2022) Review


Never has a film affected me as profoundly and as deeply as The Whale has. Its story, that of a morbidly obese man trying to reconcile with his daughter, pulls on your heart strings as it unfolds. From the first scene to the last it weighs heavy on your very soul. As the story of Charlie progressed you began to feel as he felt. His heart ache was your heart ache. As he struggled to move, or even get off the couch, left your body aching, too.

The characters were profoundly deep. From Charlie's friend and caretaker Liz to his daughter Ellie they all brought something to the table. They were all more than the sum of their parts and brought something to this film that you rarely see in Hollywood these days.

The story, too, while not deep from a surface perspective, still brought something to the table. It brought up questions about how we as a society view issues like Obesity and treat those who suffer under that. How love can be more than skin deep and that people are people regardless of their physical appearance. This film is a powerful one. It has a message that deep inside we are all the same.

The ending to this film was predictable but it still brought something and while it was a sad one it does give you something to smile about.

10 out of 10

Monday, April 3, 2023

Death House (2017) Review

Death House is a film that is good but only good in a way that I can’t fully comprehend. While this movie doesn't have a lot going for it there are certain aspects that shine. The writing for the most part is awful but so to is the acting. All the characters are cliched and one dimensional and yet they carry something throughout this film. Observing their drive just made me root for them all the more. It was a dark movie in both a physical and psychological way. Not only did it present a message of the evil that man can create, it made you think and ponder how good are our attempts to combat it to be. Can fighting evil with evil really cancel each other out.

This film as a whole wasn’t really what I was expecting. In many ways it is better than what I thought. It raises questions that can be rather difficult to answer and makes us peer into ourselves to see if we are righteous enough to do what needs to be done. Those are some frightening things to think about but the world would be a better place if more people did.

7.5 out of 10