Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Film Theory: Terminator 3 The real reason why he didn't wear the Star Shaped Glasses


This one is a simple one yet it is kinda hard to believe how long it took for us to realize this. Every opening scene in the Terminator films is iconic. They all start the same way. The T-800 goes looking for a disguise after coming to that time period completely naked. He finds one, usually a leather jacket and shades. The third Terminator, however, takes a slightly different approach. In the movie the Terminator takes the outfit of a stipper which comes with red tinted star shaped glasses. He then crushes the glasses underneath his foot. Now most people, myself included, thought he did that simply because of how stupid they looked but a fan theory proposes a different reason and in short, it is brillant! This theory has to do with how the Terminator was built and how he physically saw the world. The theory says the Terminator’s vision is tinted red, too and that wearing those glasses could make it impossible for him to see. Does this make any sense? Well, kind of when you really stop to think about it. It is just funny how long it took for people to figure this out.

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