Monday, February 27, 2023

The Sand (2015) Review


This movie is greater than the sum of its parts. On their own the writing, acting, and overall story left a lot to be desired. However, when taken together they form something that, while definitely not a masterpiece did prove to be something rather enjoyable. 

There wasn’t much of a story but that would be expected based on the premise of the film. That premise being rather simple, a group of young people are partying on the beach who discover the sand had something (for lack of a better word) possessing it. As long as they stayed off of the sand they would live and by touching the beach you were guaranteeing your death. 

The acting, too, while not being great seemed to fit the characters well. The writing, however, could have been better. There were a few scenes in the film where they tried to be deep, playing off of everyone’s fears of death and loss but it ended up falling on its face and coming across as cliche. 

The special effects, too, were kinda on the low budget side but weren't terrible by any means. There wasn’t a lot of gore but what was in there fit the story well. None of it was over the top or overdone. They seemed to hit that sweet spot with it; just enough to freak you out a little without consuming the entire film. 

The writing wasn’t terrible by any means but it could have been better. There were a couple of scenes where they jumped to conclusions in an attempt to progress the story. It didn’t always have a natural flow to it and it came across cheesy from time to time.

Overall, though, this film was rather surprising. If you take it as a whole and try not to dissect it you will find something rather enjoyable. It is a great way to blow a couple of hours. You just probably won't want to see it again.

6.5 out of 10

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