Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Ratchet and Clank (2016) Review


The Ratchet and Clank film is nothing more than a shell of its former self. The film based on the popular video games of the same name lacks the charm of the games. The game's iconic humor was not reproduced here. The jokes here being mostly hollow and empty. They didn’t flow like the games and oftentimes just seemed as though they were trying too hard at being funny and so often they ended up falling flat on their face.

The story, too, was boring and predictable. Nothing came as a surprise. The characters, shallow and void of any sophistication. They fell into their assigned tropes. The arrogant Captain Qwark whose over the top antics and inflated vision of himself led (predictably) to him switching sides early in the film. If anything about the characters was good it was their voice acting. The voices of Ratchet and Clank, as well Captain Qwerk, Chairman Drek and Dr. Nefarious was perfect. They really sold their characters and played them well.

As fans of the games will tell you, one of the best things about the series was the weapons. The weapons being insane and over the top they were what really brought you into the series. And while they tried to implement the craziness of their weapons they fell flat on that, too. There were some there but they lacked the ingenuity of the ones in the games. They tried, they just didn’t try hard enough. 

In the end this film didn’t live up to its potential. It could have been so much better but instead all we got was this shallow attempt to cash in on the popularity and make a quick buck. There was no love put into this film. All they saw were dollar signs and a quick way to prophet from its fan base.  In short, just stick to the games. This movie isn’t worth your time.

4 out of 10

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