Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Film Theory: Ted "Theodore" Logan and John Wick


Ted “Theodore” Logan had a problem. He never took up much interest in school and was failing History. His father, a rather militant man, was pissed. Wanting to see his son succeed and watching him fail in his studies and focus too much time on his band with Bill called “The Wyld Stallyns” Ted’s father felt as though he was wasting his life. The only life he was going to get. Something had to be done. And it had to be done now. In response to Ted’s lack of enthusiasm and half assed attempts with his studies, Ted’s father put forth a condition. If Ted were to fail history he would be pulled out of public school and be sent to a Military School off somewhere in Alaska. In short, if Ted didn’t pick up his game then his life would take a turn that he didn’t want to make.

Now, as fans of the movie will remember, Ted did in fact pass history and was never sent to Alaska. That was due to the interference of Rufus. A man from the future traveling through time in a Phone Booth (straight from the nineties,) Rufus was sent to help Ted as the music Ted and Bill were to make was going to change the world. But this brings up an interesting point. If Rufus could travel back in time and change history then that would make time fluid and that alternate realities could in fact exist where Ted did in fact fail and was sent to Military School. So, let’s explore one of those possibilities as the connection between these two characters, who, on the surface couldn’t seem farther apart actually share more in common than we may realize.

We all know John Wick. The assassin with Military training who now works in the private sector going for revenge after his car was stolen and his dog was killed. Now other than the obvious of both Ted and John Wick being played by the same actor (Keanu Reeves) there are other little hints to this connection. If Ted had been sent to Military School he would have started it at an early age. And with the character of John Wick we know that he started his training at a very young age. Also there are other subtle hints. John Wick’s car is a 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1. And what is a Mustang? It is nothing more than a wild stallion (think their band name.) Not only, however, Ted was born in 1969. The same year as the model of John Wicks car.

I have to admit here that there isn’t really much more evidence than this. Just a few little conformities, sharing similarities and a few weak connections. However, it is rather interesting and really makes you think. If there is a possibility of Ted and John being the same person then what else may be? What other connections could be made. Not just with Ted and John but in other franchises as well? It is fun to hunt for these as they only bring us deeper into the films and characters that we love.

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