Monday, January 30, 2023

Silent Hill (2006) Review

Silent Hill is a movie plagued by its own design. While the film was exceptional in its atmosphere, the locations and sets fitting perfectly with its story, the story itself left a lot to be desired. The movie did have a few things going for it, however. A lot of the scares were in fact rather frightening, at least for the most part. From time to time, though, they felt cheap. Like they were trying too hard to frighten the viewer.

The story revolved around a woman searching for her lost daughter. The iconic “Fog” from the video game series was rather prevalent, making the town of Silent Hill even more frightening. You can only see a few feet around the characters, always left wondering what was out there just out of view. A religious cult has taken over the town. The only remainers from when the coal mines underneath the town caught fire. Convinced that the world has ended, they follow their leader unquestionably. A leader who was desperately clinging to power. The plot, however, didn’t give too much to the film. In all honesty the story doesn't really make much sense. The ending, too, (which I won't spoil for you) didn’t really make much sense and honestly, I couldn’t really explain it.

All in all, this was an interesting film but don’t go into it expecting a masterpiece. It has its moments where it shines but, unfortunately, most of the time it is just dull and bland.

6 out of 10 

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